father for
my daddy had an immense laugh
in his fat towel & cigar
when days were soft & humid
he was sweet in his skin at the
TV mouth wide snoring like a
train. i was the one who loved
him. it didn’t mean anything then.
now he’s grass & stone sweet
to the sun it’s all he has now
except me. i find him in the
water of my tears & listening
to my heart pump. i only hope
i’m not disappointing him when
he swirls like blue smoke at my
toes while i dream. i was
the one who loved him &
he’s somewhere gone a
mystery maybe but i’m just
starting. i tell you this i
close my eyes & watch
him walk from his wheelchair
hug me, gather me, show me
all i need to know about
life. it’s all pretend though i hope
he’s an angel filling his loss
with pure light & splendid
flowers. i love him it
means too much as i walk
my own steps my own morning
fresh full of ghosts &